The Lions Club international District 325L District Governor Lion Parmeshwor Baral’s slogan 'Reach the Unreached' is a rallying call for us to put our best foot forward in addressing the challenges of underprivileged and marginalized communities. It is time for us to step up and forge connections and support these communities in their own journeys. By reaching out and connecting with the Unreached, we can exert a positive influence on their issues and provide them access to better resources and services.

We must make an effort to bring these communities into the mainstream of the society by providing them with access to education, healthcare, safety, and basic amenities. We must put in place systems and structures that enable them to realize their true potential and develop skills and knowledge to help them become productive citizens. We should leverage existing programs and resources to increase funding opportunities and support the infrastructure that would help these communities to thrive, realizing the potential of their skills and talents.

Furthermore, let us pledge to offer more assistance and support to the Unreached and to ensure their every need is met. We must strive to increase the level of education and awareness for the Unreached to help them recognize their own capabilities and potential. By providing a sense of belonging and purpose, these people will be empowered to excel in their chosen field.

Let us together make success our District Governor's slogan 'Reach the Unreached', let us strive to find and bring these communities into the mainframe of the society and give them access to resources and education, and give them that sense of belonging and purpose to succeed and be productive members of our society.

#reachtheunreached #changingtheworld #WeServe #membershipgrowth
#lionsinternational #LionsClubInternationalFoundation #LionsClub

Lion Ajit Kumar Bhattarai Lionism Researcher
Department officer 325L
IPP LCK Bashistha, Leo Advisor Contact: +977-9851078874


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